Expert care,
every patient,
every time

AI-powered solutions developed by MSK experts

Radiobotics wins upper funding limit of the SBRI Healthcare Competition 26 tender to support the NHS England in providing timely urgent and emergency care

Our vision

Expert-level care for every patient

Our vision is to ensure that patients receive immediate and precise, expert-level care in MSK imaging, 24/7, regardless of time, infrastructure, or staffing constraints.

RBfracture at Aarhus University
A clinician using RBfracture to identify a patient's fracture at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. Photo: Tonny Foghmar

AI-powered, trauma detection

RBfracture supports paediatrics and adults

RBfracture is trained on emergency data from +1.300 hospitals around the world


Accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity


Median processing time per exam


Reduction in missed fracture rate

I never thought AI solutions for fracture detection would be useful for an experienced reporter, but RBfracture caught several fractures that I would have otherwise missed.

Ben Madden
Lead Reporting Radiographer
Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust

The easiest, friendliest team to work with

Seamless access, effortless implementation

Our global partners enable us to seamlessly integrate into your workflow

Can your patients afford to wait?

The increasing costs of delays:

Negative emotional states

In one study, approximately half of all patients reported that waiting for radiology test results negatively affected their state of mind.

Woolen S, Kazerooni EA, Wall A, Parent K, Cahalan S, Alameddine M, Davenport MS. Waiting for Radiology Test Results: Patient Expectations and Emotional Disutility. J Am Coll Radiol. 2018 Feb;15(2):274-281. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2017.09.017. Epub 2017 Nov 10. PMID: 29132998.

Financial burdens for patients and hospitals

Prolonging a patient’s ED wait time by just one hour increases the cost of care for the most acute patients by an average of 30%.

Woodworth L, Holmes James F. Holmes. Just a Minute: The Effect of Emergency Department Wait Time on the Cost of Care. Economic Inquiry. 2020 April;58(2):698-716. doi: 10.1111/ecin.12849. Epub 2019 Nov 05.

Decreased patient satisfaction

An internal review at an Academic Medical Center found that radiology-related delays accounted for over 20% of complaints.

Gloria Salazar, Keith Quencer, Shima Aran, Hani Abujudeh, Patient Satisfaction in Radiology: Qualitative Analysis of Written Complaints Generated Over a 10-Year Period in an Academic Medical Center, Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 10, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 513-517, ISSN 1546-1440,

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